Advising & Registration
Coursework Heading link
It is essential that you meet with your Faculty Mentor each semester to ensure that you are making the best possible academic decisions. During the first semester of enrollment, students are assigned a Faculty Mentor in their major area who will advise them until a thesis adviser is selected. Students may request a particular Faculty Mentor by contacting the Graduate Studies office and the Faculty Mentor should be a professor in the student’s field of interest.
Faculty Mentors are encouraged to review the Faculty Mentoring Guide to assist them throughout this process.
MSCS Graduate Courses
Planning more than one term in advance is important since several courses are not offered every term. First, you can access a list of 500 level MSCS courses to be offered during the current academic year. This list identifies the professors teaching the courses and any special topics to be covered.
UIC Schedule of Classes
Students can review all courses for the upcoming term once registration opens at Course enrollment is initiated by the student using the portal. Students can add and drop courses themselves through the first two weeks of the Fall or Spring term (and during the first week of the Summer term). After this period, students will need to contact the MSCS Graduate Studies office for forms needed to initiate any further schedule changes.
Graduate Catalog
Refer to the Graduate Catalog to check on policies that govern your program enrollment and specific degree. Contact the MSCS Graduate Studies office if additional guidance or particular forms are needed.
MSCS Graduate Student Handbook
Refer to the Department’s Graduate Student Handbook to check degree requirements, prelim exam content, MS exam content, and other useful information that will guide you in planning your graduate program.
You will need an Enterprise ID number, your password, and the course reference numbers (CRN) for each course you want to add to your schedule using If you need assistance, please call the Registration Help Line at (312) 996-4350.
Currently enrolled students will receive a time ticket during Advance Registration which specifies the earliest date and time that you will be allowed to register. Newly admitted students will receive registration instructions along with their letter of admission.
Making Changes to your Course Schedule
See Graduate College Registration and Related Forms for specifics.
Dropping and Adding Courses to an existing schedule during the Drop/Add enrollment period (first 2 weeks of the Fall or Spring term; the first week of the Summer term) can be done via
Adding a Course after Drop/Add ends requires a Graduate College Registration Revision Form submitted to the Graduate Studies Office by week 6 of Fall or Spring and week 5 of Summer. Course adds after week 6 in Fall or Spring, and week 5 in Summer must be accompanied by a Graduate Student Petition.
Registering After the Late Registration Period requires you to obtain a Petition for Retroactive Registration or Course Add form from the Office of Registration and Records in SSB. Submit this form along with the Graduate College Registration Revision form to the Graduate College. If approved, a late registration fee is added to your bill.
Dropping ALL courses can be done through the second Friday of the Fall and Spring term (or by the first Friday during Summer term) to avoid receiving failing grades on the course record.
Special Approval Courses
Independent Study enrollment is allowed by special approval only. Students must complete the online form to receive faculty and DGS approval. Once an approval code is entered, the student will receive an email indicating they have permission to enroll.
Thesis Hours enrollment is allowed by faculty and DGS approval only, via the online form. Once an approval code is entered, the student will receive an email indicating they have permission to enroll.
Math 594 enrollment, for students completing internships, is allowed by faculty and DGS approval only, via the online form. Once an approval code is entered, the student will receive an email indicating they have permission to enroll. (this form is in production)
Chicago Metropolitan Exchange Progam (CMEP) Courses UIC Exchange Scholars will register for the appropriate section(s) of GC 500 at UIC and the actual course(s) at the host institution. Registration hours for the UIC GC 500 course should be the equivalent of the hours taken at the host institution, using the same number of sections of GC 500 as courses registered for at the host institution.