Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems is a field of research that stems from the study of long-term behavior of various systems of physical, geometric, or algebraic origin.  The research group in MSCS has particular interests in dynamics of group actions, homogeneous dynamics, and arithmetic dynamics.  These areas are related and have applications to number theory, geometry, group theory, and analysis.

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Apr 30 2025

Dynamics Seminar: Classifying Hyperbolic Ergodic Stationary Measures on K3 Surfaces with Large Automorphism Groups, by Megan Roda

Wednesday, 3:00 pm–3:50 pm
636 SEO
Sep 3 2025

Dynamics Seminar: TBA, by Aleksander Skenderi

Wednesday, 3:00 pm–3:50 pm
636 SEO