Photo of amcastro

Alison Castro Superfine


Professor and Co-Director LSRI

Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


Building & Room:

325 SEO

Related Sites:


Alison Castro Superfine is faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at UIC.

Office hours

By appointment

Teaching schedule

  • MATH 140
    TR 09:00:00-10:50:00
    SEO 600
  • MTHT 591
    M 17:00:00-20:00:00

Research Interests

My research interests focus primarily on studying and supporting mathematics teacher learning, both practicing and prospective elementary teachers. My funded projects include designing and studying learning environments for mathematics teacher preparation courses to support prospective teachers' development of mathematical knowledge for teaching and professional noticing. Related to mathematics teacher preparation, I have developed different analytic approaches to study mathematics teacher educators and the knowledge needed to teach teachers. Other funded projects focus on practicing elementary teachers and their use of learning trajectory-based formative assessment practices, and ways of supporting their learning to engage in productive classroom discourse over time.

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