Combinatorics and Probability

Combinatorics and Probability are broad fields that study topics such as the enumeration and optimization of discrete structures as well as the analysis of random phenomena.  These fields have connections and interactions with many other mathematical areas including number theory, geometry, algebra, logic, and analysis, and other intellectual disciplines like computer science and coding theory.  The research group in MSCS has particular interests in extremal combinatorics, graph theory, Ramsey theory, random matrices and polynomials, Markov chains, and statistical physics.

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Mar 31 2025

Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Seminar: TBA, by Abhishek Dhawan

Monday, 3:00 pm–3:50 pm
1227 SEO
Apr 28 2025

Combinatorics and Discrete Probability Seminar: TBA, by Emily Heath

Monday, 3:00 pm–3:50 pm
1227 SEO