Photo of sdevi

Shavila Devi

Senior Lecturer

Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Building & Room:

726 SEO

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I have a joint PhD in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education. My research and teaching interests focus on collegiate mathematics education, student success, pedagogical practices of collegiate mathematics faculty, and the design of learning programs that support persistence among under-represented students. In addition to teaching and research, I serve as a course coordinator for Linear Algebra for Business (Math 125) and Finite Math for Business (Math 160).

Office hours

Monday 1:00-2:00; Friday 1:00- 2:00

Teaching schedule

  • MATH 125
    MWF 12:00:00-12:50:00
    LCD D005
  • MATH 125
    MWF 09:00:00-09:50:00
    LCF F004
  • MATH 165
    MWF 11:00:00-11:50:00
    LCD D004

Research Interests

Applied Mathematics. Data Science.
Stochastic Dynamics.
Ordinary Differential Equations.

Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Gender equity in mathematics.
Successful strategies and program design for underrepresented students.
Mathematics Identity. Mathematics Self-Efficacy

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