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John Solak

Teaching Assistant

Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


Building & Room:

1224 SEO

Related Sites:


Hey! My name's John and I am a second year PhD student at UIC. I am currently studying Mathematical Logic and Topology, and I TA MATH 165. If you want to find out more about me and my interests, please visit my webpage.

Office hours

Tuesdays 12-1pm and Thursdays 3-4pm

Teaching schedule

  • MATH 179
    TR 10:00:00-10:50:00
    TH 305
  • MATH 180
    TR 11:00:00-11:50:00
    TH 317

Research Interests

Mathematical Logic (Model Theory and Proof Theory), Topology, Abstract Algebra

E.g. Hyperoperations and hierarchies, impossible objects, TFAE statements

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