Photo of dhamed

Duha Hamed


Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science


Building & Room:

715 SEO

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Duha Hamed is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at UIC.

Office hours

Online (Zoom) Tuesday 12-1pm; In Person: Monday (1-2 at SEO 715); Friday (1:30-2:30pm at MSLC)

Teaching schedule

  • MATH 180
    MWF 09:00:00-09:50:00
    SES 201
  • MATH 180
    MWF 10:00:00-10:50:00
    SES 201
  • STAT 381
    MWF 12:00:00-12:50:00
    LCD D005

Research Interests

Generalized Statistical distributions, Mathematical Statistics, Math educational research and interdisciplinary research studies.

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