Andrew Shulman
Senior Lecturer
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Pronouns: he/him/his
Building & Room:
537 SEO
Office Phone:
Related Sites:
Andrew Shulman is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at UIC.
Office hours
Mondays 8-8:50am (in SEO 537); Wednesday 12-12:50pm (in MSLC); or by appointment
Teaching schedule
MATH 215
MWF 10:00:00-10:50:00
AH 303 -
MATH 220
MWF 11:00:00-11:50:00
LCD D005 -
MATH 220
MWF 09:00:00-09:50:00
LCF F006
Research Interests
Number Theory