Oct 22 2024

Logic Seminar: The Borel complexity of the class of models of first-order theories, by Hongyu Zhu

October 22, 2024

4:00 PM - 4:50 PM


636 SEO


Chicago, IL

Hongyu Zhu (University of Wisconsin Madison): The Borel complexity of the class of models of first-order theories

Viewed as a subset of Cantor space, the class of countable models Mod(T) of any first order theory T is always Borel. A natural question, then, is the relationship between its descriptive complexity and the complexity of the underlying theory. Using theorems of López-Escobar and Solovay, we give a more precise characterization of the complexity of Mod(T) in terms of that of T. We also discuss some applications to models of PA and infinitary logic. (This is based on joint work with Andrews, Gonzalez, Lempp, Rossegger, and related to recent work of Enayat and Visser.)

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Matthew Harrison-Trainor

Date posted

Oct 15, 2024

Date updated

Oct 15, 2024
