Number Theory

Having its genesis in questions about integers and rational numbers, number theory has connections to diverse areas of mathematics, computer science, and physics.  The number theory research group in the MSCS Department at UIC has particular interests in arithmetic dynamics, arithmetic geometry, arithmetic statistics, and automorphic representations.  Topics of interest include: the arithmetic of elliptic curves, higher-dimensional abelian varieties, and Drinfeld modules; the distribution of rational points on Fano varieties; the distribution of subrings of integral rings; the properties of Galois representations associated to arithmetic objects.

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Apr 11 2025

Number Theory Seminar: TBD, by Tyler Genao

Friday, 1:00 pm–1:50 pm
636 SEO
Apr 18 2025

Number Theory Seminar: TBA, by Micah Milinovich

Friday, 1:00 pm–1:50 pm
636 SEO