PhD & DA Alumni
Below is a list of PhD and DA program alumni, along with their thesis title, advisor, and (if known) post-graduate position. We have data all the way back to 1971! You may also be interested to investigate our graduates and their advisors in the Mathematics Genealogy Project.
Our Doctoral Program Graduates by Year
Johnny Joyce
Algebraic Frameworks and Computational Experiments for Enhanced Machine Learning (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Machine Learning Engineer, iManage
Chen Song
Stability of Vector Bundles and Rational Curves (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Co-founder, GradeUp
Patrick Walsh
Nonpositively Curved Manifolds of Small Volume (advised by Wouter Van Limbeek)
William Adkisson
Infinitary Combinatorics Near Singular Cardinals (advised by James Freitag)
Hedricks Assistant Adjunct Professor, UCLA
Ahmet Özkan Demir
Measurable Imbeddings: An Order-like Generalization of Measure (advised by Alexander Furman)
Quantitative Analyst, Second Foundation US Trading
Samuel Dodds
Flexibility and Complexity in Stationary Boundaries of Negatively Curved Groups (advised by Alexander Furman)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Yifei Huang
New Algorithms for D-Optimal Designs Under General Parametric Models (advised by Jie Yang)
Biostatistics Manager, Astellas
Sung Min Lee
On the Distribution in Arithmetic Progressions of Primes of Various Properties of Elliptic Curves (advised by Nathan Jones)
Assistant Professor, Dakota State University
Jiamin Li
Asymptotic Behaviors in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (advised by Wenliang Zhang)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Oklahoma
Yeqin Liu
Rigid Vector Bundles on Low Dimensional Varieties (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Stephen Mackes
A Bending Norm Criterion for Coarsely Embedded Pleated Planes (advised by Emily Dumas)
Math Researcher, Rampart Communications
Thomas Maranzatto
Combinatorial Methods for Learning and Information Theory (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Maryland, College Park
Aaron Messerla
Boundaries of Relatively Hyperbolic Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Lucas Mioranci
Algebraic Hyperbolicity and Normal Bundles of Rational Curves (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
Vinh Nguyen
Asymptotic Analysis of Kinetic Models of Collective Behavior (advised by Roman Shvydkoy)
Research Associate, Michigan State University
Shravan Patankar
The Absolute Integral Closure in Equicharacteristic Zero (advised by Kevin Tucker)
Software Engineer, KPIT
Adam Pratt
Algebraic Models for Quasi-coherent Sheaves in Spectral Algebraic Geometry (advised by Brooke Shipley)
Enzyme Engineer, Midwest Bioprocessing Center
Nickolas Spear
Structure of Almost-Isometries on the Heisenberg Group (advised by Wouter Van Limbeek)
Instructor of Mathematics, Loyola University Chicago
Xindi Wang
Pseudo-Orthogonal Arrays: Definition, Construction, Comparison, and Application in Designs of Experiments (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Kuang-Yu Wu
Toric Vector Bundles, Concentration Conditions, and Schur Log-Concavity (advised by Julius Ross)
Zihan Xia
Quantitative Amenability for Actions of Finitely Generated Groups (advised by Wouter Van Limbeek)
Junyan Zhao
Moduli Spaces of Fano Varieties (advised by Izzet Coskun and Lawrence Ein)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Maryland, College Park
Kevin Zhou
Model Theory and AI: Results in Query Learning of Automata and Weighted Model Counting (advised by James Freitag)
Nurlan Abdukadyrov
Statistical and Causal Inference for Complex High Dimensional Data (advised by Ping-Shou Zhong)
Data Scientist, Cincinatti Insurance
Ezra Becker
Post Hoc Control Group Selection Methods (advised by Dibyen Majumdar and Min Yang)
Niloufar Dousti Mousavi
Model Identification and Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Sparse Data (advised by Jie Yang)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Chicago
Benjamin Gould
Stability, Cohomology, and Exceptional Bundles in Low-Dimensional Projective Spaces (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Michigan
Saeid Hajizadeh
Large-Scale Minimax Optimization Problems (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor of Computer Science, Roosevelt University
Yanlong Hao
Marked Length Spectrum and Arithmeticity (advised by Alexander Furman)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Michigan
Woo Hyung Lee
Tilt Stability and Wall-Crossings for Curves in P^3 and Cone of Divisors of Curves with High Genera (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Trader, Prime Trading LLC
Yuxiang Liu
The Rigidity Problem of Schubert Varieties (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)
Youhan Lu
A Unified Variable Selecton Method for (Generalized) Partially Linear Models (advised by Yichao Wu)
Quantitative Research Associate, Envestnet, Inc.
Qianwen Sun
Dehn Functions of Mapping Tori of Hyperbolic Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Michigan
Gregory Taylor
Singularities, Secants, and Syzygies (advised by Kevin Tucker)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Ben Tighe
The LLV Algebra for Primitive Symplectic Varieties and Applications to the du Bois Complex (advised by Ben Bakker)
RTG Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oregon
William Vickery
Stochastic Heat Equation with Colored Noise on Torus (advised by Cheng Ouyang)
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University
Roland Walker
Distality Rank and Tree Dimension (advised by David E. Marker)
Tian Wang
Arithmetic Properties of Abelian Varieties (advised by Alina Carmen Cojocaru)
Postdoctoral Associate, Max-Planck Institute
Zhou Yu
Negative Binomial Models for Longitudinal and Sparse Data (advised by Jie Yang)
Senior Scientist, Merck
Kejia Zhu
Iterated Kodaira Fibrations and Surface Bundles (advised by Daniel Groves and Anatoly S. Libgober)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of California, Riverside
Matthew DeVilbiss
Strongly Minimal Differential Equations (advised by James Freitag)
Zassenhaus Assistant Professor, Ohio State University
Stoyan Dimitrov
Permutation Patterns, Statistics on Permutations and Sorting by Shuffling (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
Hill Assistant Professorship, Rutgers University
Yushen Dong
Assorted Techniques for Handling High Dimensional Data (advised by Yichao Wu)
Data Scientist, Epsilon
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Arithmetic Properties of the Frobenius Indices Associated to the Reductions of an Elliptic Curve (advised by Alina Carmen Cojocaru)
Assistant Professor, City Colleges of Chicago, Wilbur Wright College
Ethan Fricker
Quasi-Fuchsian, Riemannian, and Word Metrics on Surface Groups (advised by Alexander Furman)
Software Developer, Cimon Industrial Automation
Elena Graetz
Two Wave Missing Data with Refreshment Sample and Free Knot Spline in Semiparametric Regression (advised by Jing Wang)
Biostatistical Analyst, Yale University
McKinley Gray
On the Category of Graded F Modules (advised by Wenliang Zhang)
Matthew Kehoe
Joint Analyticity of the Transformed Field and Dirichlet-Neumann Operator in Periodic Media (advised by David Nicholls)
Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute
Xizhi Liu
Extremal Hypergraph Problems (advised by Dhruv Mubayi)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Warwick
Jacob Mayle
Galois Representations of Abelian Varieties (advised by Nathan Jones)
Teacher Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow, Wake Forest University
Evelyn Richman
Strong Magnetic Field Limits in Linear and Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations (advised by Christof Sparber)
Assistant Professor, University of Puget Sound
Shijie Shang
Severi Varieties and Sharp Bounds of Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularities (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Postdoctoral Associate, Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University
Austyn Simpson
Singularities and Persistence Conditions in Prime Characteristic Commutative Algebra (advised by Kevin Tucker)
NSF Postdoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Yike Tang
Algorithm for Bounded Optimal Design for General Nonlinear Model and Subdata Selection on Big Data (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Managing Biostatistician, Bristol Myers Squibb
Danielle Tucker
Modeling Non-Euclidean via Fr/'echet Regression (advised by Yichao Wu)
Data Scientist, Google
Hongnan Wang
Inter-subject Correlation Analysis for Functional Data with Applications to fMRI Studies (advised by Ping-Shou Zhong)
Data Scientist, Meta
Jinhua Xu
An Obstacle Problem and its Relation to the Complex Monge-Ampere Equation (advised by Julius Ross)
Software Engineer, Google
Mengxue Yang
Generalized Opers (advised by Laura Schaposnik)
Lecturer, Institute of Mathematics in Heidelberg University
Miaomai Zhou
A Model-free Procedure for Fr'echet Change Point Detection (advised by Yichao Wu)
Biostatistics Manager, Astellas
Alexander Berenbeim
Foundations for the Analysis of Surreal-Valued Functions (advised by James Freitag)
Co-founder & Chief Systems Engineer, bizbumps
Sarthak Chimni
Subring Growth in Integral Rings (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Mathematics Teacher, Vassant Valley School
Carl Dean
Remarks on the Tree Property and its Generalizations (advised by Dima Sinapova)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Culver-Stockton College
Arda Huseyin Demirhan
Distribution of Rational Points on Toric Varieties: a Multi-Height Approach (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Rochester
Dawei Ding
Dirichlet Process Mixture Models with Shrinkage Prior (advised by Jing Wang and George Karabatsos)
Applied Scientist II, Uber
Maryam Emami
Measurement Error in Generalized Linear Models (advised by Jing Wang)
Statistician, Biological Sciences, University of Chicago
Joshua Faber
Complexes of Groups, Sheaves and Developability (advised by Daniel Groves)
Co-founder & Chief Technical Officer, bizbumps
Robert Thijs Kozma
Central Limit Theorems and Packing Problems in Dynamics and Geometry (advised by Alexander Furman)
Senior Research Scientist,
Yanxi Liu
Information-based Optimal Subdata Selection for Clusterwise Linear Reg (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Statistician, AbbVie
McKinley Meyer
Twin Prime Questions for Elliptic Curves (advised by Alina Carmen Cojocaru)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sayan Mukherjee
Extremal Problems for Graphs and Hypergraphs (advised by Dhruv Mubayi)
Computing Engineer, blueqat
Paul Yushin Rapoport
On the Profinite Distinguishability of Hyperbolic Dehn Fillings of Finite-Volume 3-Manifolds (advised by Daniel Groves)
Research Assistant Professor, Temple University
David Reynolds
Regularity and Long Time Behavior of Metric and Topological Methods of Collective Dynamics (advised by Roman Shvydkoy)
Postdoctoral Associate, Gran Sasso Science Institute
Noah Schoem
Large Cardinals and Anti-saturation Results on Ideals (advised by Dima Sinapova)
Senior Associate Data Engineer, Capital One
Joel Stapleton
Weibel's Conjecture for Twisted Algebraic K-theory (advised by Benjamin Antieau and David Gepner)
Software Developer, First Trust Portfolios, L.P.
Kevin Vissuet
Elliptic Curves with Missing Frobenius Traces (advised by Nathan Jones)
Software Developer, Google
Yue Zhang
Optimal Dose Allocation Considering Toxicity and Efficacy Jointly in Phase I/II Dose Finding Studies (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Research Biostatistician, Bristol Meyer Squibb
Hani Aldirawi
Model Selection and Regression Analysis for Sparse Discrete Data (advised by Jie Yang)
Assistant Professor, California State University-San Bernardino
Mohsen Aliabadi
Matchings in Groups and Vector Spaces (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Iowa State University
Karly Brint
Examining Undergraduate Students' Proof Schemes in a Transition Proofs Course (advised by Alison Castro Superfine)
Development Assistant, Brinshore Development
Hunter Chase
Model Theory and Machine Learning (advised by James Freitag)
NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Maryland
Francois Domagni
On the Study of Saturated and D-Optimal Saturated Designs for Two-Level Factorial Experiments (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Assistant Professor of Statistics, California State University Northridge
Shelby Heinecke
Resilient Structures and Robust Machine Leaming Algonthms (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Research Scientist, Salesforce Research
Maximilien Holmberg-Péroux
Highly Structured Coalgebras and Comodules (advised by Brooke Shipley)
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
Victor Jatoba
Strong Generators in Dperf(X) for Schemes with a Separator (advised by Benjamin Antieau)
Professor of Mathematics, School of the Nations
Han Liu
On the Well-Posedness and Long Time Behavior of the Hall-magnetohydrodynamics System (advised by Mimi Dai)
Postdoctoral Associate New York University Courant Institute
Xiaoyutao Luo
Convex integration and the Navier-Stokes equations (advised by Alexey Cheskidov)
Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University
Sayanta Mandal
Betti Numbers of the Moduli Space of Stable Sheaves on P^2 (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Associate, Chennai Mathematical Institute
Christopher Perez
Towers and Elementary Embeddings in Toral Relatively Hyperbolic Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Loyola University, New Orleans
Keaton Quinn
Limits of Foliations in Quasi-Fuchsian Manifolds (advised by Emily Dumas)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Boston College
Rebeca Saccochi
Ulrich Schur Bundles in Prime Characteristic p (advised by Wenliang Zhang)
Head of Operations, Mec Inc.
See-Hak Seong
Connectivity and the Nef Cone of the Hilbert Scheme of Hypersurfaces in the Grassmannian (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postoctoral Associate, IBC Center for Geometry and Physics
Harry Smith
Bounded t-structures on the Category of Perfect Complexes (advised by Benjamin Antieau)
Associate Data Scientist, Uptake
Fumiaki Suzuki
The Integral Hodge Conjecture and Universality of the Abel-Jacobi Maps (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
Xin Tong
Simulation of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances via DNOs and IIOs (advised by David Nicholls)
Postdoctoral Associate, Marquette University
Xuelong Wang
Representative Approach for Big Data Dimension Reduction with Binary Responses (advised by Jie Yang)
Senior Scientist, Merck
Duo Zheng
Response-Aided Score-Matching Approaches for Big Data Analysis Under Generalized Linear Models (advised by Jie Yang)
Data Scientist, FM Global
Jonathan Abernethy
Approximation Techniques for Scaling Up Permanental Classification (advised by Jie Yang)
Mathematical Statistician, US Department of Agriculture: National Agricultural Statistics Service
Charles Alley
On the Monodromy of Meromorphic Cyclic Opers on the Riemann Sphere (advised by Emily Dumas)
Instructor, Loyola University
Jack Arbunich
Mathematical Results for Nonlinear Equations of Schrodinger Type (advised by Christof Sparber)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto
Dylon Chow
The Distribution of Integral Points on the Wonderful Compactification by Height (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Postdoctoral Associate, Tsinghua University
Shuai Hao
Support Points of Locally Optimal Designs for Multinomial Logistic Regression Models (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Research Statistician, AbbVie
William (Jake) Herndon
Deformation and Products of Polish Groups (advised by Christian Rosendal and Daniel Groves)
Founder, Chicago Center for Mathematics
Yi Hua
Extended Youden Design in Biological Assays and Optimal Design for Nonlinear Models (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Data Scientist, Microsoft
Mano Vikash Janardhanan
Algorithms for Learning Networks and Learning from Networks (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Applied Research Scientist, Lifion by ADP (Automatic Data Processing)
John Kopper
Stability and Positivity of Cycles (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Associate, Penn State University
Janis Lazovskis
Stability of Universal Constructions for Persistent Homology (advised by Benjamin Antieau)
Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen
Eun Hye Lee
On Certain Multiple Dirichlet Series (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Postdoctoral Associate, Stony Brook University
Eric Malitz
A Two-Grid Discretization for Finite Element Approximations of the Elliptic Monge-Ampere Equation (advised by Gerard Awanou)
Assistant Professor, DePaul University
Cloie McClellan
Separable at Birth: Products of Full Relatively Quasi-Convex Subgroups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Data Scientist, Conversant
Marieme Ngom
A Theoretical and Numberical Analysis of the Faraday Wave Experiment (advised by David Nicholls)
Postdoctoral Appointee, Argonne National Laboratory
Mateja Raic
Goodness of Fit Test for Network Models (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Khashayar Sartipi
Paschke Category, K-homology, and the Riemann-Roch Transformation(Henri Gillet). (advised by Henri Gillet)
Instructor, Art of Problem Solving
Darko Trifunovski
Rankin-Selberg L-functions for the Unitary Similtude Group of Order Two (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Software Engineer, Dupage County
Jonathan Wolf
Model Theory of Differential Fields and Ranks of Underdetermined Systems of Differential Equations (advised by James Freitag)
Data Scientist, The Shortest Track
Haldun Ozgur Bayindir
Topological Equivalences of E-infinity Differential Graded Algebras (advised by Brooke Shipley)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Haifa
Joseph Berner
Shape Theory in Homotopy Theory and Algebraic Geometry (advised by Henri Gillet)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Nathan Bliss
Computing Series Expansions of Algebraic Space Curves (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Software Developer, First Trust Portfolios, L.P.
Mercer Bridges
Effective Divisors on Kontesivich Moduli Spaces (advised by Coskun, Izzet)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Alex Cameron
Extremal Problems on Directed Hypergraphs and the Erdos-Gyarfas Ramsey Problem Variant for Graphs (advised by Gyorgy Turan, Dhruv Mubayi)
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
Samuel Cole
An Iterative Spectral Approach to Recovering Planted Partitions (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
PIMS postdoctoral fellowship - University of Manitoba
Jin Du
Scales, Diamond and the Strong Tree Property (advised by Dima Sinapova)
Postdoctoral Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Benjamin Fish
New Models and Algorithms for Data Analysis (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Postdoctoral Researcher, Microsoft Research, Montreal
Daniel Ingebretson
Hausdorff Dimension of Kuperberg Minimal Sets (advised by Steven Hurder)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Indianapolis
Matthew Kaplan
A Nonlinear Least Squares Framework for Periodic Grating Identification with a HOPS Implementation (advised by David Nicholls)
Data Scientist, United Services Automobile Association
Trevor Leslie
Regularity and Energy Laws in Hydrodynamic Models of Newtonian Fluids and Collective Behavior (advised by Roman Shvydkoy)
Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Keren Li
Score-Matching Representative Approach for Big Data Analysis with Generalized Linear Models (advised by Jie Yang)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
Yi Lin
Hellinger Information and Optimal Design for Nonregular Models (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Research Data Scientist, Peddinghaus Corporation
Ali Mohajer
Upper Bounds on the Density of Two Radius Packings of Disks in the Plane (advised by Peter B. Shalen)
Lecturer, Tulane University
Tasos Moulinos
Topological K-theory and Invertibility (advised by Brooke Shipley and Benjamin Antieau)
Postoctoral Associate, University of Toulouse,France
Janet Page
The Frobenius Complexity of Hibi Rings (advised by Kevin Tucker)
Heilbronn Research Fellow, University of Bristol
Samuel Shideler
Limit F-signature Functions of Diagonal Hypersurfaces (advised by Kevin Tucker)
Data Scientist, Open Data Group
David Simpson
The Application of Ribbon Hopf Algebras to Invariants of 1-1 Tangles (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Jeffrey Sommars
Algorithms and Implementations in Computational Algebraic Geometry (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Software Developer, First Trust Portfolios, L.P.
Lujia Wang
Problems in Extremal and Probabilistic Combnatorics (advised by Dhruv Mubayi)
Visiting Lecturer, University of California, San Diego
Xin Wang
Optimal Design for Nonlinear Models with Random Effects and Information-Based Subdata Selection for LASSO (advised by Min Yang)
Quantitative Analyst, Bank of the West
Shuhang Yang
Examples of Isotrivial Elliptic Threefolds Over P^2 and Their Discriminants (advised by Anatoly Libgober)
Postdoctoral Associate, Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University
Shuang Zhou
Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches for Estimating Risk-neutral Density (advised by Jie Yang)
Data Scientist, Conversant, LLC
Edgar Bering
Compatible Trees and Outer Automorphisms of a Free Group (advised by Marc Culler)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Research, Temple University
Xianwei Bu
D-Optimal Designs for Multinomial Logistic Models (advised by Jie Yang)
Senior Research Statistician, Abbvie, Inc.
Qianshun Cheng
Novel Algorithm for Constrained Optimal Design and Information-Based Subdata Selection for Logistic Models (advised by Min Yang)
Research Statistician, Monsanto
Ellie Dannenberg
Circle Packings on Surfaces with Complex Projective Structures (advised by Emily Dumas)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Harvey Mudd College
Bruno De Mendonca Braga
Topics in the Nonlinear Geometry of Banach Spaces (advised by Christian Rosendal)
Postdoctoral Fellow, York University
Yen Duong
On Random Groups: The Square Model at Density d<1/3 and as Quotients of Free Nilpotent Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
ACT&SAT Coach, Testive
Vladimir Finkelshtein
Diophantine Properties of Groups of Toral Automorphisms (advised by Alexander Furman)
Postoctoral Fellow, University of Gottingen
Xing Gu
On the Cohomology of the Classifying Spaces of Projective Unitary Groups and Applications (advised by Brooke Shipley and Benjamin Antieau)
Research Fellow, University of Melbourne
Tung Hoang
Clustering DNA Sequences Using Fourier Power Spectrum and Chaos Game Representation (advised by Stephen Yau)
Postocdoral Research Associate, Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago
Yi Huang
Problems in Learning Under Limited Resources and Information (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Postdoctorial Associate, University of Chicago
Liyuan Jiang
A Nonparametric Estimate of the Risk-Neutral Density and its Applications (advised by Jie Yang)
Risk Management Associate, JP Morgan & Chase
Adam Lelkes
Algorithms and Complexity Results for Learning and Big Data (advised by Gyorgy Turan and Lev Reyzin)
Software Engineer, Google
Maxwell Levine
Reflection Properties veresus Squares: Some Compatibility Results (advised by Dima Sinapova)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Schroedinger Institute
Victoria Noquez
Vaught's Two-Cardinal Theorem and Notions of Minimality in Continuous Logic (advised by David E. Marker)
Postdoctoral Associate, University of Indiana
Alex Stathis
Intersection Theory on the Hilbert Scheme of Points in the Projective Plane (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Universit of Georgia, Athens
Nicholas Syring
Gibbs Posterior Distributions: New Theory and Applications (advised by Min Yang)
Postdoctoral Lecturer in Statistics, University of Washington, St. Louis
Tian Tian
Optimal design theory in early-phase dose-finding problems (advised by Min Yang)
Senior Research Statistician, Abbvie, Inc.
R. Seckin Adali
Sincular Loci of Restriction Varieties (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo
Alex Austin
Logarithmic Potentials and Quasiconformal Flows on the Heisenberg Group (advised by Jeremy Tyson and Emily Dumas)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles
Michael Cantrell
Ergodic Theory and Geometry of Nilpotent Groups (advised by Alex Furman)
MSRI Fellow, University of California at Berkeley; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Ling Cheng
Optimal Biomarker-Stratified Design and Adaptive Design in Mixture Distributions (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Research Statistician, Abbvie, Inc.
John Hardwick
Graphical Algorithms for Finding the Nucleolus of Binary-Valued Matching Games (advised by TES Raghavan)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jeremy Kun
Graphs, New Models, and Complexity (advised by Lev Reyzin)
Bitcoin Protocol Engineer, 21 Inc.
Cara Mullen
The Critical Orbit Structure of Quadratic Polynomials in Zp (advised by Laura DeMarco)
Visiting Professor, Indiana University Northwest
Keyu Nie
Studies on Some Inferential Aspects of Graybill-Deal Estimators (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Data Scientist, eBay
Jennifer Pajda-De La O
On the Law of Iterated Logarithms for Brownian Motion on Compact Manifolds (advised by Cheng Ouyang)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Brian Powers
An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration (advised by TES Raghavan)
Postdoctoral Associate, Arizona State University, Phoenix
Timothy Ryan
The Effective Cone of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves on a Smooth Quadric Surface (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stony Brook University
Jonathan Schneider
Diagrammatic Theories of 1- and 2- Dimensional Knots (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Lecturer, College of Dupage
Caroline Terry
Model Theory and Extremal Combinatorics: Structure, Enumeration, and 0-1 laws (advised by David Marker and Dhruv Mubayi)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Maryland, College Park
Jonathon Yaggie
Topics in Knowledge Representation: Belief Revision and Conditional Knowledge Bases (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Karen Zaya
Problems of Regularity in Models Arising from Fluid Dynamics (advised by Alexey Cheskidov)
Postoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Xudong Zheng
The Hilbert Schemes of Points on Singular Varieties and Kodaira Non-Vanishing in Characteristic P (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
Joseph Zielinski
Compact Structures in Descriptive Classification Theory (advised by Christian Rosendal)
Postoctoral Research Associate, Carnegie-Mellon University
Deniz Bilman
On Longtime Asymptotics for the Toda Lattice and its Hamiltonian Perturbations (advised by Irina Nenciu)
Postoctoral Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Gabriel Conant
Model Theory and Combinatorics of Homogenous Metric Spaces (advised by David Marker)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame
Jessica Dyer
Dynamics of Equicontinuous Group Actions on Cantor Sets (advised by Steven Hurder)
Lecturer, Tufts University
Zheng Fang
Operator Expansions Method for Linear Waves: Parallel Implementation and Multilayer Inversion (advised by David Nicholls)
Software Engineer, Orbitz Worldwide
Landon Kavlie
An Investigation of the Forced Navier-Stokes Equations in Two and Three Dimensions (advised by Alexey Cheskidov)
Software Developer, First Trust Portfolios
Marc Kjerland
Model Reduction and Fluctuation Response for Two-Timescale Systems (advised by Rafail Abramov)
Postdoctoral Associate, Kyoto University:Atmosphere/Hydrosphere group of the Disaster Prevention Research Institute
Yan Sun
A Subgroup Identification Method with Interaction Filtering and Quantitative Criteria (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Research Statistician, AbbVie
Venu Tammali
High-Order Perturbation of Surfaces Approach to Fokas Integral Equations: Maxwell Equations (advised by David Nicholls)
Business Development Associate, First Trust Portfolios
Xiangcheng Yu
Accelerating Polynomial Homotopy Continuation on Graphics Processing Units (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Software Engineer, Microsoft
Ting Yuan
On the Structured Manifold Optimization: Reduced-Rank and Positive Definite Matrix Estimation (advised by Sam Hedayat and Junhui Wang)
Hui Zheng
Virus Classification Based on Alignment-free Methods (advised by Stephen Yau and Jie Yang)
Senior Research Associate, Discover
Chih-Chi Chou
Singularities in Birational Geometry (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle
Jeffrey Cooper
Independent Sets in Sparse Hypergraphs (advised by Dhruv Mubayi)
Software Engineer, Google
Matthew Durham
The Coarse Geometry Of The Teichmuller Metric: A Quasiisometry Model And The Actions Of Finite Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
RTG Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
Jonah Gaster
Thurston's skinning map and curves on surfaces (advised by Emily Dumas)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston College
Cristina Haidau
A Study of Well Posedness for Systems of Coupled Non-linear Dispersive Wave Equations (advised by Jerry Bona)
Claim Technology Services, Allstate Insurance
Hsin-Hsiung Huang
Information Extraction for Virus classification and Robust Dimension Reduction (advised by Jie Yang and Stephen Yau)
Assistant Professor, Statistics Department, University of Central Florida
Cesar Lozano Huerta
Birational Geometry of Complete Quadrics (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
Ella Revzin
Nonparametric Regression Models and Bootstrap Inference (advised by Jing Wang)
Researcher, Coyote Logistics
Lei Song
Rational Singularities of Brill-Noether Loci and Log Canonical Thresholds on Hilbert Schemes of Points (advised by Lawreence Ein)
Visiting Assistant Professor of Algebraic Geometry, University of Kansas
Randall Stading
Ramsey Type Problems on the Hypercube and the Hypergraphs (advised by Druv Mubayi)
Software Developer, Epic
Jing Wang
Adaptive Optimal Two Treatment Crossover Designs with Binary Endpoint (advised by Sam Hedayat and Min Yang)
Phil Wesolek
The Global Structure of Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Polish Groups (advised by Christian Rosendal)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Zhifan Zhang
Portfolio Choice with General Pricing Kernal (advised by Jie Yang)
Quant Associate, Barclays Investment Bank, New York
Matthew Bourque
A Policy Improvement Algorithm for Some Classes of Stochastic Games (advised by T. E. S. Raghavan)
Lecturer, Loyola University of Chicago
Andrew Brasile
Esstential Spunnormal Surfaces via Tropical Geometry (advised by Marc Culler)
Tenure-track assistant professor, Green River Community College, Auburn, WA
Emily Cilli-Turner
Proof Construction and Collaborative Revision in Undergraduate Mathematics (advised by Mara Martinez)
Assistant Professor, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI
Dimitrios Diochnos
Analysis of algorithms in learning theory and network analysis of knowledge bases (advised by György Turán)
Postdoc, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Bradley Groff
Splittings of Relatively Hyperbolic Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Analyst, Booz Allen Hamilton, Washington, D.C.
Elizabeth Gross
Algebraic Complexity in Statistics using Combinatorial and Tensor Methods (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
NSF Postdoc, Penn State University
Troy Hernandez
Vectorization Generalizations in Genomics and Transportation (advised by Jie Yang)
Junior Visitor, Tsinghua University, China
Holly Krieger
Primitive Prime Divisors in Polynomial Dynamics (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash and Laura DeMarco)
NSF Postdoc, MIT
Hao Liang
Equation Problem Over Central Extensions of Hyperbolic Groups (advised by Daniel Groves)
Postdoc, Tufts University
Luigi Lombardi
Derived Equivalences of Irregular Varieties and Constraints on Hodge Numbers (advised by Mihnea Popa)
Postdoc, University of Bonn, Germany
Stephen London
Constructing New Turyn Type Sequences, T-Sequences and Hadamard Matrices (advised by Vera Pless)
Lecturer, UIC
Xue Luo
An Novel Algorithm to Solve the Nonlinear Filitering Problems in Real-time (advised by Stephen S.-T- Yau)
Paul Reschke
Cohomological Insights for Complex Surface Automorphisms with Positive Entropy (advised by Laura DeMarco)
Postdoc, University of Michigan
Christine Robinson
On Siegel Maass Wave Forms of Weight 0 (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Postdoc, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Davender Sahota
Borel Complexity of the Isomorphism Relation for O-minimal Theories (advised by David E. Marker)
Senior Quantitative Analyst at Washington Gas, Washington, D.C.
William Siler
The Geometry of Carrier Graphs in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds (advised by Peter Shalen)
William Simmons
Completeness of Finite-Rank Differential Varieties (advised by David E. Marker)
Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew Sward
A Discontinuous-Galerkin Method for the CEV Process (advised by David Nicholls)
Assistant Professor, Augustana College
Matthew Wechter
Differential Operators on Finite Purely Inseparable Extensions (advised by Henri Gillet)
Visiting Assistant Professor at Oxford College, Emory University
Tu Xu
New Developments of Minimum Clinically Important Difference: Theory and Methodology (advised by Samad Hedayat and Junhui Wang)
Biostatistics Manager, Amgen Inc.
Hexi Ye
Complex Dynamics: Schwarzian Derivatives and Measures of Maximal Entropy (advised by Laura DeMarco)
University of Toronto
Jiewei Zeng
Optimal Designs for Multi-Exponential Models with Covariance Structure (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Research Statistician, Abbvie Inc., Chicago, IL
Danko Adrovic
Solving Polynomial Systems With Tropical Methods (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Katherine Bird
Dade's Conjecture in the Finite Special Unitary Groups (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Instructor, Mathematics Department, Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
Kin Hang Chan
Three New Methods for Construction of Extremal Type II Z4-Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Kathleen Dexter
Some Results on the Representation Theory of the Symplectic Similitude Group of Order Four (advised by Ramin Takloo-Bighash)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, College of DuPage - Glen Ellyn, IL
Fred Drueck
Limit Models, Superlimit Models, and Two Cardinal Problems in Abstract Elementary Classes (advised by John Baldwin)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
James Freitag
Model Theory and Differential Algebraic Geometry (advised by David Marker)
NSF Post-doctoral Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California - Berkeley, CA
Yang Jiao
Of Nonlinear Filtering Problem: Structure Theorem and a New Suboptimal Filter (advised by Stephen Yau)
Quantitative Analyst, Rewards Network - Chicago, IL
Travis McBride
On Stability of Generalized Short-Crested Water Waves (advised by David Nicholls)
Consultant, Swoon Technology Resources, LLC. - Chicago, IL
Sanja Pantic
A Study of Solitary-Wave Solution for the Extended Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney Equation (advised by Jerry Bona)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Despina Stasi
Combinatorial Problems in Graph Drawing and Knowledge Representation (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
Research Associate, Pennsylvania State University - State College, PA
Rajmonda Sulo Caceres
Temporal Scale of Dynamic Networks (advised by Tanya Berger-Wolf)
Research Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory - Boston, MA
Gail Tang
Students' Errors in Setting Up Difference Quotients and Connections to Their Conceptions of Function (advised by Janet Beissinger)
Assistant Professor, University of LaVerne - LaVerne, CA
Genady Yoffe
Using Parallelism to Compensate for Extended Precision in Path Tracking for Polynomial System Solving (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Yue Yu
Assessment of Agreements in Linear and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Quantitative Developer, TradeLink L.L.C. - Chicago, IL
Huaiqing Zuo
Complete Coordinate-free Characterization of Isolated Homogeneous Singularities and Derivations of Moduli (advised by Stephen Yau)
Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Richard Abdelkerim
Geometry of the Dual Grassmannian (advised by Izzet Coskun)
Tenure-Track Instructor, Pasadena City College - Pasadena, CA
Roberta Canning Gregory
Numerical Simulation of a Weakly Nonlinear Model for Internal Waves (advised by David Nicholls)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Mo Deng
Natural Vector Method of Characterizing, Clustering and Phylogeny of DNA, Genome and Proteins (advised by Stephen Yau)
Rosemary Guzman
Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds with k-Free Fundamental Group (advised by Peter Shalen)
NSF Alliance Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Iowa - Iowa City, Iowa
Luissette Hernandez-Medina
Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equation on Finite Trees (advised by Jerry Bona)
Assistant Professor, Daley College - Chicago, IL
Aaron Kaestner
On Applications of Parity in Virtual Knot Theory (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Assistant Professor, North Park University - Chicago, IL
Dean Leonardi
Internal and Surface Waves in a Two-Layer Fluid (advised by Jerry Bona)
Statistician, Clinical Data Analyst, Pfizer Oncology - LaJolla, CA
Yanmin Liu
Bayesian Look Ahead Sampling Methods to Allocate Up to M Observations Among k Populations (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Natalie McGathey
Invariant Measures and Homeomorphisms of Boundaries (advised by Alex Furman)
Assistant Professor, Purdue University, North Central - Westville, IN
Wenbo Niu
Bounding the Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Algebraic Varieties (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Golomb Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Tuan Dang Anh Pham
On Picard Varieties of Surfaces with Equivalent Derived Categories (advised by Mihnea Popa)
Software Developer, Epic Systems - Verona, WI
Andrew Shulman
Elementary Divisors of Reductions of Generic Drinfeld Modules (advised by Alina Cojocaru)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Dennis Smoot
New Developments and Perspectives in General Relativity and Cosmology (advised by A. Lewis Licht and Louis Kauffman)
Tutor, Physics and Mathematics, Center for Teaching and Learning,
Aurora University - Aurora, IL
Jin Tan
The Comparison of One-stage and Two-stage Selection Rules in a Bayes Approach (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Senior Statistician, Capital One - Richmond, VA
Miao Xu
Asymptotic Methods Applied to an American Option Under the CEV Process (advised by Charles Knessl)
Software Support Engineer, Orc Software - Chicago, IL
Fei Ye
Topology of Moduli Spaces and Complements of Hyperplane Arrangements (advised by Stephen Yau)
ENI Post-doctoral Fellow, Emmy Noether Research Institute, Bar-Ilan University - Ramat-Gan, Israel
Wei Zheng
Optimal and Efficient Crossover Designs for Test-Control Study When Subject Effects are Random (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Assistant Professor, Indiana University-Purdue University - Indianapolis, IN
Ben Antieau
The Spectral Index of Brauer Classes (advised by Henri Gillet)
RTG Assistant Professor, University of California - Los Angeles, CA
Kelly Darke
An Examination of the Questioning Interactions of Prospective Teachers during Mathematical Discussions (advised by Alison Castro Superfine)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Yun Guan
Numerical Homotopies for Algebraic Sets on a Parallel Computer (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Fannu Hu
Options Pricing - Application of Ray Methods and Singular Perturbations (advised by Charles Knessl)
Quantitative Analyst, The Hartford - Hartford, CT
Qian Liang
Novel Metrics for Software Artifact Recovery and Genome Space Construction (advised by Stephen Yau)
Software Engineer, LinkQuest, Inc. - San Diego, CA
Mechie Nkengla
Low Rank Approximations for Matrices and Tensors (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CA
Jumpei Nogami
On Derived Calabi-Yau Varieties (advised by Brooke Shipley)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Duisburg - Essen, Germany
Sarah Oppland
The Inextricability of Identity, Participation, and Math Learning among Latino/a Undergraduate Students (advised by Alison Castro Superfine)
Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
Marcy Robertson
Derived Morita Theory of Enriched Symmetric Multicategories (advised by Brooke Shipley)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Western Ontario - London, Ontario, Canada
Ahuva Shkop
On Pseudoexponential Fields and Schanuel's Conjecture (advised by David Marker)
Research Postdoctoral Fellow, Ben-Gurion University - Beer-Sheva, Israel
David St. John
Technical Analysis Based on Moving Average Convergence and Divergence (advised by Charles Knessl)
Yuqing Tang
A Comparison Model for Measuring Individual Agreement (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Silver Spring, MD
Cuilan Zhang
Optimal Allocation in Response Driven Adaptive Design (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Senior Associate, Discover Financial Services - Riverwoods, IL
Zhilong Zhang
Enumeration of General t-ary Trees and Universal Types (advised by Charles Knessl)
Bo Zhao
Two Methods of Analyse DNA Sequences: Predicting Coding Regions and Clustering Homologous DNA (advised by Stephen Yau)
Qiang Zhen
The Sojourn Time Distribution in Processor-Sharing Queues (advised by Charles Knessl)
Assistant Professor, University of North Florida - Jacksonsville, FL
Ying Zhou
D-optimal Designs for Complex Nonlinear Models in Chemical Kinetics, PK/PD, and Environmental Science (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Statistician, Children's Memorial Hospital - Chicago, IL
Christopher Atkinson
Volume Estimates for Hyperbolic Coexeter Polyhedra (advised by Ian Agol)
Assistant Professor (Research), Temple University - Philadelphia, PA
Roi Docampo Alvarez
Arcs on Determinantal Varieties (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Wylie Assistant Professor, University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT
Rong Du
Moduli Space of Bounded Complete Reinhardt Domains and Complex Plateau Problem (advised by Stephen Yau)
Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Christopher Carlo Fazioli
On Analyticity of Variations of the Dirichlet-Neumann Operator, and Computational Concerns (advised by David Nicholls)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Maria Kakleas
Numerical Simulation of a Weakly Nonlinear Model for Water Waves with Viscosity (advised by David Nicholls)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Sean Lynch
Drift-Diffusion Past Circles and Ellipses (advised by Charles Knessl)
Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois - Chicago, IL
Petar Manolov
Brauer Trees in Finite Special Linear Groups (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Science - Sofia, Bulgaria
Nicole Pitcher
Efficient Point-Counting on Genus-2 Hyperelliptic Curves (advised by Daniel Bernstein)
Department of Defense
Eunju Sohn
Storage Allocation under Processor Sharing and Infinite Server Models (advised by Charles Knessl)
VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of
Georgia - Athens, GA
Jing Tao
Linearly Bounded Conjugator Property for Mapping Class Groups (advised by Howard Masur)
VIGRE Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT
Weitian Zang
Complete Topological Classification of Complete Intersection Weakly Elliptic Singularities (advised by Stephen Yau)
Rosario de los Angeles Ortiz Rodriguez
A Statistical Look at Day Trading (advised by Stanley Sclove)
Statistics Professor, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez - Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Richard Jordan
Asymptotic Methods Applied to Finance: Equity and Volatility Derivatives (advised by Charles Tier)
Head of Quantitative Analytics, The Clearing Corporation - Chicago, IL
Chaoxiao Lu
Pricing Stock Options in Mergers and Acquisitions with Jump-diffusion Model (advised by Stephen Yau)
Katherine Piret
Computing Critical Points of Polynomial Systems Using PHCpack and Python (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Financial Engineer, Liberty Trading Group - Chicago, IL
Liqing Wang
The Constructibility Theorem for Differential Modules (advised by Henri Gillet)
Instructor, Fudan University - Shanghai, PR China
Shi Zhao
Crossover Designs Under Subject Dropout (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Member Research and Technology Staff II, Xerox Innovation Group - Webster, New York
Christopher Cashen
Quasi-Isometries Among Tubular Groups (advised by Kevin Whyte)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) - Berkeley, CA; Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT
Kungho Chan
Local Positivity and Seshadri Constants (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies - Seoul, Korea
Yuping Dong
Surveillance Studies on Change Point in Incidence Rate (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Research Biostatistician, Bristol-Myers Squibb - Pennington, NJ
Hassan Fathallah-Shaykh
Modeling and Local Filtering of Noise Embedded in Genome-Scale Microarray Datasets (advised by Jerry Bona)
Associate Professor, Rush University Medical School - Chicago, IL
Phil Grizzard
On Lefschetz Characters of 2-local Geometries for Some Sporadic Groups (advised by Stephen Smith)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ
Peng He
The Risk Neutral Dynamics of Market Implied Volatility and Its Application (advised by Stephen Yau)
Senior Quantitative Analyst, Spooz, Inc - Chicago, IL
Elliot Krop
Enumerating Matchings in Regular Graphs (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
Instructor, Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Shawn Rafalski
Immersed Turnovers in Hyperbolic 3-Orbifolds (advised by Ian Agol)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Fairfield University - Fairfield, CT
Mark Taber
Analyticity of the Dirichlet-Neumann Operator and Its Application to Detecting Ocean Bathymetry (advised by David Nicholls)
Actuary, Allstate Insurance - Northbrook, IL
Kathryn Vozoris
The Complex Field with a Predicate for the Integers (advised by David Marker)
Modnet Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Camerino - Camerino, Italy
Li Wei
Stochastic Curtailment Method Under Linear Models (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Research Biostatistician, Bristol-Myers Squibb - Hopewell, NJ
Ilker Yuce
Decompositions of 2-Generator Free Kleinian Groups and Hyperbolic Displacements (advised by Peter Shalen)
Visiting Assistant Professor, State Universities of New York (SUNY) - Oswego, NY
Weiya Zhang
Designs for a Toxicity-Efficacy Model and Inference on a Normal Mean with Known Coefficient of Variation (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Statistician, Sanofi-Aventis - Malvern, PA
Ailing Zhao
Newton's Method with Deflation for Isolated Singularities of Polynomial Systems (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Technical Support Engineer, Wolfram Research (Mathematica) - Champaign, IL
Ling Zhou
Association Rule Mining and Quantitative Association Rule Mining Among Infrequent Items (advised by Stephen Yau)
Research Analyst, Cook County Hospital - Chicago, IL
Yan Zhuang
Parallel Implementation of Polyhedral Homotopy Methods (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Technical Support Engineer, Wolfram Research Inc. (Mathematica) - Champaign, IL
Erol Akbas
A Presentation for the Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that Preserve a Genus Two Heegaard Splitting (advised by Marc Culler)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, AR
Hossein Andikfar
Decomposition Numbers and Cartan Invariants of Finite Groups of Lie Type in the Defining Characteristic (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Toledo - Toledo, OH
Ozlem Beyarslan
Random Structures over Pseudofinite Fields (advised by David Marker)
Modnet Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Paris VII, Jussieu Campus - Paris, France
Jaime Brugueras
On Payoff Allocations for Assignment Games and on Algorithms for Stochastic Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Chief Executive Officer, Numbers Insight, Inc. - Chicago, IL
Dongmin Cai
Information-based Projection Method for Categorical Clustering and Outlier Detection (advised by Stephen Yau)
Analyst of Modeling, TXU Energy - Dallas, TX
Siddhartha Chakrabarty
Optimal Control of Drug Delivery to Brain Tumors Using a Distributed Parameters Deterministic Model (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research - Bangalore, India
Andrew Coppola
The Theory of Q-Abstract Elementary Classes (advised by John Baldwin)
Senior Editor, Mazer Creative Services - Boston, MA
Xin Fang
D Optimal Designs for Pharmacokinetic and Combinded Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic Models (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Statistician II, Abbott Laboratories - Abbott Park, IL
Talia Fernos
Relative Property (T), Linear Groups, and Applications (advised by Alex Furman)
National Science Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow and Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor, University of California - Los Angeles, CA
Chetan Gupta
Algorithms to Identify Clusters and Outliers Based on Dyadic Decomposition with Applications to Streams (advised by Robert Grossman)
Post-doctoral Fellow in Complex Systems Modeling, Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering - Clinton, NJ
Anna Lenzhen
Teichmuller Geodesics That Do Not Have a Limit in PMF (advised by Howard Masur)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Congrong Lou
Assessment of Agreement (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Senior Manager, Marketing Information Research & Development, AC Nielsen - Schaumburg, IL
Rishi Nath
Partial Results on Navarro's Conjecture and the Issacs Navarro Conjecture for the Alternating Groups (advised by Paul Fong)
Assistant Professor, City Universities of New York (CUNY), York College - Jamaica, NY
Jeffrey Olson
Finiteness Conditions on Varieties of Residuated Structures (advised by Joel Berman)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Norwich University - Northfield, VT
Predrag Savic
Counting Closed Orbits in Rectangles with Slits (advised by Howard Masur)
Daniel Tancredi
Design Insights for Epidemiological Studies of Prevalent and Incident Dementia (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine & Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care, University of California - Davis, CA
Limin Wang
JailX: Protecting Users From X Applications (advised by Daniel Bernstein)
Software Design Engineer in Test, Microsoft - Redmon, WA
Wenting Wu
Unified Approach for Assessing Agreement (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Research Associate, Mayo Clinic - Rochester, MN
Guoqing Yan
Option Pricing for a Stochastic-Volatility Jump-Diffusion Model (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Financial Engineer, Fannie Mae - Washington, D.C.
Zhiwu Yan
Crossover Designs for a Self and Simple Mixed Carryover Effects Model with Correlated Errors (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Research Statistician, Abbott Laboratories - Abbott Park, IL
Jinchun Ye
Optimal Life Insurance Purchase, Consumption and Portfolio Under an Uncertain Life (advised by Floyd Hanson, Stanley Pliska)
Financial Engineer, Base-2 Capital, LLC - Evanston, IL
Barry Booton
Norm Inequalities for Certain Classes of Functions and their Fourier Transforms (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Instructor, Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton, FL
Yunfan Deng
Design of Crossover Trials with Binary Outcomes (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Mathematical Statistician, U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Washington, D.C.
Junfeng Ding
Efficient Association Rule Mining Among Infrequent Items (advised by Stephen Yau)
Sarah Jahn
A Blowing Up Algorithm for Calculating Rings of Integers (advised by Jeremy Teitelbaum)
Assistant Professor, Concordia University - St. Paul, MN
Myrna LaRosa
Spanish Calculators and Galileo (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Instructor, Triton College - River Grove, IL
Gang Li
Locally D-optimal Designs for Nonlinear Models with Minimal Number of Support Points (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Senior Statistician, Glaxo Smith Klein - Philadelphia, PA
Libin Liu
Data Mining of Biological Sequences (advised by Stephen Yau)
Amir Niknejad
Application of Singular Value Decomposition to DNA Micro Array (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
Post-doctoral Fellow, East Tennessee State University - Johnson City, TN
Natalya Popova
The Onset of Convection in a Horizontal Layer of a Porous Medium in the Presence of Vibration (advised by Susan Friedlander)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Missouri - Columbia, MO
Eric Rosen
Contributions to the Model Theory of Differential Fields (advised by David Marker)
Van Vleck Visiting Researcher, Wesleyan University - Middletown, CT
Joseph Shive
Conjugation Problems for Hirsch Foliations (advised by Steve Hurder)
Jiuhong Tang
Exotic Option Stochastic Volatility Model and Incentive Scheme (advised by Stephen Yau)
Assistant Professor, Southern Nazarene University - Bethany, OK
Yusong Wang
Computing Dynamic Output Feedback Laws with Pieri Homotopies on a Parallel Computer (advised by Jan Verschelde)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory - Argonne, IL
Xu Yan
Optimal Designs in Stability Studies (advised by Samad Hedayat)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Washington, D.C.
Yang-Soon Yim
On Quasi-Homogenous Space: Maximal Operators and Ap (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Changchuan Yin
A Novel Exon Finding Algorithm Based on the 3-Base Periodicity Analysis of Genome Information (advised by Stephen Yau)
Senior Analyst, SBC Communications, Inc. - Hoffman Estates, IL
Dongchul Yoo
Optimal Tracking Conditions for Linear Extended State Observer on Uncertain System (advised by Stephen Yau)
Zongwu Zhu
Option Pricing and Jump Diffusion Models (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Quantitative Analyst, Nationwide - Columbus, OH
Li Chang
Statistical Analysis of High Frequency Intraday Security Prices (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Financial Engineer, Citadel Investment Corporation - Chicago, IL
Jian Chen
Growth Rates with Paths, Non-commuting Loops and Thurston's Compactness Theorem (advised by Marc Culler)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Vladimir Egorin
Characteristic Varieties of Algebraic Curves (advised by Anatoly Libgober)
Nghiem Nguyen
Higher Order Stability Theory of Solitary Waves (advised by Jerry Bona)
Vigre Post-doctoral Fellow, Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Zhihong Ping
Measures of Importance with Applications to Inspection Policies (advised by Emad El-Neweihi)
Statistical Consultant, MedFocus, Inc - Chicago, IL
Dale Radin
Unidimensional Zariski-type Structures and Applications to the Model Theory of Compact Complex Spaces (advised by David Marker)
Post-doctoral Fellow, National Science and Engineering Research Council, McMaster University - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Ken Takata
Listing Algorithms for Combinatorial Objects and Related Combinatorial Problems (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
Assistant Professor, Adelphi University - Long Island, NY
Fatih Unlu
On Explicit Representations of the Grothendieck Fundamental Class (advised by Henri Gillet)
Instructor, Horizon Math and Science Academy - Toledo, OH
Haishen Yao
Asymptotic Analysis of the Infinite Server Shortest Queue Problems (advised by Charles Knessl)
Assistant Professor, City Universities of New York (CUNY) - Queensborough, NY
Nero Budur
Multiplier Ideals and Hodge Theory (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD
Diego Dominici
Asympotic Analysis of a Data-Handling System and Its Generalization (advised by Charles Knessl)
Assistant Professor, State Universities of New York (SUNY) - New Paltz, NY
Heather Dye
Detection and Characterization of Virtual Knot Diagrams (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Assistant Professor, US Military Academy - West Point, NY
Wojciech Florek
Foliations: A Probabilistic, Potential Theory Approach (advised by Steve Hurder)
Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Yevgeniy Goncharov
Mathematical Theory of Mortgage and Modeling (advised by Susan Friedlander)
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Benjamin Klaff
Boundary Slopes of Knots in Closed 3 Manifolds with Cyclic Fundamental Groups (advised by Peter Shalen)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Quebec - Montreal, Canada; Vigre Fellow, University of Texas - Austin, TX
Tommaso deFernex
Birational Transformations of Varieties (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Hildebrandt Assistant Professor, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
John Enyang
Bases of Certain Algebras Associated with Quantum Groups (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Tokyo Science University - Tokyo, Japan
Reva Kasman
Trees, Norms on H^1, and the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel Invariant (advised by Marc Culler)
Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University - Grand Rapids, MI
Jon-Lark Kim
Construction of New Self-dual Codes and Quantum Codes and their Connections (advised by Vera Pless)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
Nikolai Krylov
Mapping Class Groups of (k-1)-Connected Almost-Parallelizable 2k-Manifolds (advised by Anatoly Libgober)
University of Bremen - Germany
Zhe Li
Path Dependent Options: The Case of High Water Mark Provision for Hedge Funds (advised by Stephen Yau)
Vice President, Bank of America - New York, NY
Paul Musial
The L Henstock-Kurzeil Integral (advised by Yoram Sagher)
City Colleges of Chicago - Chicago, IL
Lei Nie
Laplace Approximation in Nonlinear Mixed-effect Models (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland - Baltimore County, MD
Natasa Pavlovic
Use of Littlewood-Paley Operators for the Equations of Fluid Motion (advised by Susan Friedlander)
Instructor, Princeton University - Princeton, NJ
Fernando Souza
On the 3 Manifold Invariants Derived from Hopf Objects (advised by Lou Kauffman)
University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA
Andrei Turinsky
Balancing Cost and Accuracy in Distributed Data Mining (advised by Robert Grossman)
University of Calgary, Sun Center of Excellence for Visual Genomics - Calgary, Canada
Shaobo Wang
Diffeomorphic Types of Complements of Arrangements in Complex Projective Spaces (advised by Stephen Yau)
Software Engineer/Analyst for Strata Marketing - Chicago, IL
Xuejun Wang
On Gly Conjecture of Upper Estimate of Positive Integral Points in Real Tetrahedra (advised by Stephen Yau)
Morning Star - Chicago, IL
Min Yang
Universal Optimality in Crossover Design and Statistical Methods in Assessing Agreement (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
Haiyuan Zhu
Optimal Augmented Designs and Fractional Factorial Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Merck & Co - Rahway, NJ
David Hrencecin
On Filamentations and Virtual Knot Invariants (advised by Louis Kauffman)
DRW Holdings, LLC (Trading Group) - Chicago, IL
Leslie Schwartzman
FGP Fine Grained Persistence for User Structured Data, a Tool and Its Software Design (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Assistant Professor, Roosevelt University - Chicago, IL
Yitwah Cheung
Optimal Hausdorff Dimension for the Set of Non-ergodic Directions (advised by Howard Masur)
Assistant Professor, Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
Yong Hou
Geometrically Infinite Negatively Curved Three Manifolds (advised by Peter Shalen)
University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA
Marco Mazzucco
Zero One Laws in Model Theory (advised by John Baldwin)
Post-doctoral Fellow, Laboratory for Advanced Computing - Chicago, IL; Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Swansea - Wales
Amy Shell
In Service to Mathematics: The Life and Works of Mina Rees (advised by William Howard)
Assistant Professor, U. S. Military Academy - West Point, NY
Xi Wu
Topics in the Nonlinear Filtering Theory (advised by Stephen Yau)
Associate Director, Bank One - Chicago, IL
Jinglin Zhong
Optimal and Efficient Non-linear Designs and Solutions with Interpretation to Individual Bioequivalence (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Merck & Co - Lansdale, PA
Ward Canfield
College Quantitative Literacy Approaches and a New Way of Analyzing Functions and Data (advised by Steve Jordan)
Instructor, National Louis University - Chicago, IL
Jose Cogolludo
Topological Invariants of the Complement to Arrangements of Rational Plane Curves (advised by Anatoly Libgober)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Madrid, Spain
Joseph Fields
On Extremal Self Dual Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Southern Connecticut State University - New Haven, CT
Pedro Freitas
On the Acton of The Symplectic Group on the Siegel Upper Half Plane (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
University of Lisbon - Portugal
Viktor Gyuris
Variations of Algebraizability (advised by Willem Blok)
IBM - Poughkeepsie, NY
Shawn Hedman
Finitary Axiomatizations of Categorical Theories (advised by John Baldwin)
University of Maryland - Baltimore, MD
Junda Hu
Deformation to the Normal Bundle in Arithmetic Geometry (advised by Henri Gillet)
University of Texas - Austin, TX
Daniel Kern
An Optimal Control Policy for Groundwater Remediation Using Systematic Perturbations (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Southern Methodist University - Dallas, TX
Ke-Pao Lin
Counting Number of Integral Points in Tetrahedra and Its Applications (advised by Stephen Yau)
Chang-Gung Institute of Technology - Taiwan
Terrance Mankus
New Optimum Algorithms for Unweighted and Weighted Interval, Circular Arc, and Circle Graphs (advised by Glenn Manacher)
Latin American Recruitment and Educational Service (LARES), University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
WaiYan Pong
Ordinal Dimensions & Differential Completeness (advised by David Marker)
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, IL
Gaspar Porta
On the Convergence of the Product of the Exponential of Two Compact Operators (advised by Shmuel Friedland)
Sam Houston State University - Huntsville, TX
Weining Robieson
On Weighted Kappa and Concordance Correlations Coefficients (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Abbott Laboratories - Abbott Park, IL
Zamir Syed
Algorithms for Stochastic Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Goldman Sachs & Co - New York, NY
Kristen Wottreng
Computer Methods in Descriptive and Differential Geometry Monge's Legacy (advised by Steve Hurder)
Instructor, Moraine Valley Community College - Palos Hills, IL
Brendan Burke
Degrees of Expansions and Models of Arithmetic (advised by David Marker)
Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Alice Gorguis
Some Parabolic Partial Differential Equations & Convergence of Successive Approximations (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Truman College - Chicago, IL
Seunghun Lee
Pluricanonical and Adjoint Linear Series on Projective Threefolds (advised by Lawrence Ein)
Korea Institute of Advanced Study - Seoul, Korea
Zhigang Liang
The Numerical Solution to Kolmogorov Equation (advised by Stephen Yau)
Morning Star - Chicago
Bryan Mosher
Displacement Estimates for Hyperbolic Manifolds (advised by Peter Shalen)
University of California - Berkeley, CA
Hao Wang
Conditional Second Order Generalized Estimating for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
SCIREX - Schaumburg, IL
John Westman
Computational Linear and Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control with Applications (advised by Floyd Hanson)
University of California - Los Angeles, CA
Julin Wu
Structural Characterizations of Graphs Chordality and Balance (advised by Uri Peled)
AT & T - Atlanta, GA
Misun Yu
Sample Size Re-estimation on Clinical Trials (advised by Klaus Miescke)
JanJo Chen
Concurrent Processing in Distributed Systems: Algorithms, Databases, and Networking (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Hairong Crigler
Confidence Intervals for Finite Population Quantile Intervals in Two-Stage Cluster Sampling (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Yumei Dang
Hypercomplex Iterations-Distance Estimation (advised by Lou Kauffman, Floyd Hanson)
Lucent Technologies
Bruce Fabijonas
Secondary Instabilities of Linear Flows with Elliptic Streamlines (advised by Alexander Lipton)
Post-doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technologies - Gaithersburg, MD
Guoqing Hu
Finite-Dimensional Filters with Non-Linear Drift (advised by Stephen Yau)
United Chambers - Naperville, IL
Juhui Jiao
Hypothesis Testing in Competing Risks Theory (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Pfizer Pharmaceutical - New York,NY
David Krebes
An Obstruction to Embedding 4 Tangles in Link (advised by Peter Shalen)
University of British Columbia - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Silvia LaFalce
On the Equivalence Operations in Algebras of Logic (advised by Willem Blok)
University of Wisconsin - Parkside, WI
Henry Park
Optimality of Selection Procedures (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Diann Porter
William Fogg-Osgood at Harvard Agent of a Transformation of Mathematics in the United States (advised by William Howard)
University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ
Mohammad Siadat
Building Study and Work Skills in a College Mathematics Classroom (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Daley College - Chicago, IL
Tedoro Sorgo
Volumes of Hyperbolic Haken Manifolds (advised by Peter Shalen)
City Universities of New York (CUNY), Bronx Community College - Bronx, NY
Irene Tsapara
On Learnability of Atomic Formulas (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
Investment Technologies International
Niandi Xiang
Norm Estimates of Banach Space Valued Random Series and their Applications in Harmonic Analysis (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Bell Labs
Matthew Bardoe
Universal Embeddings for the Involution Geometries of U4(3), Suz and C01 (advised by Stephen Smith)
Imperial College - London
Hon-Wing Cheng
On-Line Computation for the Yau Filtering System (advised by Stephen Yau)
DePaul University - Chicago, IL
Venketranman Ganesan
On the Characteristics of Unipotent and Parabolic Subgroups of Finite General Linear Groups (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
AT & T
Arek Goetz
Dynamics of Piecewise Isometries (advised by Steve Hurder)
Boston University - Boston, MA
Mijung Kim
Multivariate Survival Analysis with General Extreme Value Model (advised by Dong Kee Kim)
University of Southern Maine - Portland, ME
Eloy Martinelli
Exponential Instabilities of Axisymmetric Vortex Rings with Swirl (advised by Alexander Lipton)
Boston Consulting Group - Boston, MA
Kimberly Meyer
Applied Precalculus - An Innovative Approach to the Learning and Teaching of Precalculus Mathematics (advised by David Tartakoff)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Zhongqiang Qian
Cyclic Codes over Z4 (advised by Vera Pless)
Cellular One - Schaumburg, IL
Julianne Rainbolt
On the Gelfand-Graev and Generalized Gelfand-Graev Representations of U(3,Q) (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI
Guoqin Su
On the Existence and Construction of Difference Schemes and Orthogonal Arrays (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Statprobe, Inc. - Ann Arbor, MI
Chungyu Tang
Nonparametric Regression Analysis for Repeated Measured Data Using Wavelets (advised by Dong Kee Kim)
Kristin Umland
The Mod-2 Cohomology of the Lyons Group (advised by Stephen Smith)
University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, NM
Farrok Vatan
On the Analog Compution of Boolean Functions (advised by Gyorgy Turan)
University of California - Los Angeles, CA
Qinglong Zhang
A Unified Framework for Iconic Indexing of Spatial Relationships in Image Databases (advised by Stephen Yau)
Lucent Technologies
Douglas Burke
Computions Over Function Fields Modular Symbol (advised by Jeremy Teitelbaum)
Malcolm X College - Chicago, IL
Marek Kaminski
Sums of Dependent Random Variables (advised by Nasrollah Etemadi)
John Mathias
Diagrammatic Approach to Calculating Knot Ivariants of Finite Type (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Bethel College
Laura Monroe
Greedy Codes over Binary and Non-Binary Fields (advised by Vera Pless)
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) - Pittsburgh, PA
Amid Rasoulian
Some Theorems on the Structure of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras (advised by Stephen Yau)
University of Tehran - Tehran, Iran
Xiaoqian Tan
The Time Dependent Behavior of Infinite and Finite Capacity Queues Described by the Unfinished Work (advised by Charles Knessl)
Lucent Technologies
Bo Yan
Modeling and Identifying Optimum Designs for Fitting Dose-Response Curves and Estimating EDP based on Raw Optical Density Data (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Searle - Skokie, IL
Raghib Abusaris
Filtering of a Weiner-Poison Driven Stochastic Process (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Birzeit University - West Bank, Palestine
Netiva Caftori
Evaluation of Computer Software in Relation to Gender Differentiation and Educational Effectiveness (advised by Avrum Weinzweig)
Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
Jie Chen
Classification of Estimation Algebras (advised by Stephen Yau)
Argonne National Laboratories - Argonne, IL
Fe Evangelista
Equilibrium in Bimatrix Games and in Repeated Games with Additive Reward and Transition (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
University of Wisconsin - Warsaw, WI
Saar Hersonsky
Universal Constraints in Discrete Groups (advised by Peter Shalen)
Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
Andrew Isaacs
Whole Number Concepts and Operations in Grades 1 & 2: Curriculum and Rationale (advised by Philip Wagreich)
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Lixing Jia
Modified Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique Methods for Contrained Optimization (advised by Stephen Yau)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Gerhardt Pohl
Contributions to the Theory of D-Optimal Designs (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation - Ridgefield, CT
Xiao Qin
Applications of Persistent Object Managers to Scientific Computing (advised by Robert Grossman)
Motorola Labs - Schaumburg, IL
Yu-Ru Syau
On the Trajectory Structure of Quadratic Differentials on a Torus (advised by Howard Masur)
National University of Taiwan - Taipei, Taiwan
Howard Wachtel
A Critique of Existing Practices for Evaluating Mathematics Instruction (advised by Avrum Weinzweig)
City Universities of New York (CUNY), York College - Jamaica, NY
Qi Yang
A Parallel Scheme Using the Divide and Conquer Method (advised by John Baldwin)
Hughes Aircraft - Los Angeles, CA
Weiguang Zhang
Virtually Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Systems Software Associates - Chicago, IL
Srinivasa Arikati
New Results in Algorithmic Graph Theory (advised by Uri Peled)
Max Plank Institute - Germany
Fudong Chen
On Compactness of Hankel and Toeplitz Operators in D x C (advised by Charles Lin)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Hegang Chen
Contributions to Experimental Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, OH
Hua Feng
On Reduced Join and Barratt-Hilton Formula, on Delooping of Some Spaces, a Note on Closed Categories (advised by Brayton Gray)
Tan Jiang
Topology and Combinatorial Structures of Arrangements of Hyperplanes (advised by Stephen Yau)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
George Kapoulas
Computability and Complexity Over the P-adic Numbers (advised by David Marker)
University of Krete - Greece
Chi-Wah Leung
Classification of Finite-Dimensional Maximal Rank Estimation Algebras with State Space Dimension 3 (advised by Stephen Yau)
National Central University - Chung-li, Taiwan
Andrew Mathas
On Some Generic Representations of Generic Hecke Algebras (advised by Stephen Smith)
University of Notre Dame - South Bend, IN
Jean Mehta
Cooperative Learning in Computer Programming at the College Level (advised by David Radford)
St Xavier University - Chicago, IL
Jesse Nemoyer
Duadic Design Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Sharon Robbert
On Classical Functions of Real Analysis (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Trinity College - Palos Heights, IL
Tamas Solymosi
On Computing the Nucleoulus of Non-Cooperative Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Jozsef Attilla University - Szeged, Hungary
Zai-Qing Xi
Optimum Replacement for Selecting the Best Components: A Dynamic Approach (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Indiana University at New Albany - New Albany, IN
Shisheng Xie
A Ray Method for Analyzing the Transient Structure of Models in Applied Mathematics (advised by Charles Knessl)
Bin Yang
Stability of Abstract Dynamical Systems (advised by Charles Lin)
Panasonic Electric Corporation - Chicago, IL
Yongzhi Yang
Asymptotic Properties of Sojourn Times in the Queue GI11M11-K with Processor-sharing Services (advised by Charles Knessl)
St. Thomas College
Marwan Al-Rub Abu
Non-linear Partial Differential Equations Applied to Diffusion Problems Arising in Mathematical Biology (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Evans Afenya
Modelling Abnormal Granulocylopolesis and its Chemotherapy (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Elmhurst College - Elmhurst, IL
Florence Appel
A Presentation of the Polling Model (advised by Charles Tier)
St. Xavier University - Chicago, IL
Feng-Shun Chai
On the Construction and Optimality of Linear Trend-Free and Nearly Trend-Free Designs (advised by Dibyen Majumdar)
Institute of Statistics, Academia Sinica - Taiwan
Maria Isabel Ferreirim
On Varieties and Quasivarieties of Hoops and the Reducts (advised by Willem Blok)
Faculdade DeCiencias Ernesto De Vasconcelos - Portugal
Alan James Iliff
Charles S. Pierce's Contribution to Mathematical Logic and Philosophy (advised by William Howard)
North Park College - Chicago, IL
Dennis Jarvis
Performance and Application of Multiprocessor Systems (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University - Providence, RI
Sharon Krejca
Medieval Origins of Calculus (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
Boris Kunin
A Probabilistic Model for Predicting Scatter in Brittle Fracture (advised by Neil Berger)
University of Alabama - Huntsville, AL
Yaxin Li
Asymptotic Analysis of Queuing Systems with Service Interruptions (advised by Charles Tier)
Senior Program Analyst, Chicago Mercantile Exchange - Chicago, IL
Jing-Dong Mei
Asymptotic Approach to the Performance Analysis of Closed Queuing (advised by Charles Tier)
Abbott Laboratories - Abbott Park, IL
Margit Messmer
Groups and Fields Interpretable in Separably Closed Fields (advised by David Marker)
Wesleyan University
Kumarss Naimipour
Numerical Convergence for the Bellman Equation of Stochastic Optimal Control with Quadratic Costs and Constraints (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
Ruby Tan
On Hilbert Transformations, Cardinal Interpolation and Bernstein's Inequality (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Johnson State College - Johnson, VT
Han-Ping Tsai
Existence of Certain Extremal Self Dual Codes (advised by Jeffrey Leon)
Soochow University - Suzhou, Taiwan
Huihuang Xu
Data Parallel Methods in Large Scale Scientific Computations (advised by Floyd Hanson)
US Robotics - Schaumburg, IL
Eva Zabric
Hall Polynomials for Symplectic Groups (advised by Bhama Srinivasan)
Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Jianbei An
Two Weights for Finite General Linear Groups and Two-Blocks of Finite Classical Groups (advised by Paul Fong)
University of Auckland - New Zealand
William Bultman
Topics in the Theory of Machine Learning and Neural Computing (advised by Wolfgang Maass)
University of Wisconsin - Fox Valley, WI
Wen-Lin Chiou
Some Results on Nonlinear Filtering Theory (advised by Stephen Yau)
Fu Jen University - Hsinchuang, Taiwan
Siu-Leung Chung
Supercomputer Optimization of Stochastic Dynamic Programing (advised by Floyd Hanson)
University of Toledo - Toledo, OH
Astrida Cirulis
Three Prospective Elementary Teachers' Beliefs and the Impact of Their Mathematics Courses (advised by Avrum Weinzweig)
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
Ajay Gupta
On the Complexity of Computation and Learning in Neural Networks (advised by Wolfgang Maass)
LCC - Rosslyn, VA
Kitty Lynn Holland
Geometries Associated with Strongly Minimal Theories (advised by John Baldwin)
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, IL
Chih-Ru Hsiao
The Sharply Value for Multi-Choice Cooperative Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Soochow University - Suzhou, Taiwan
Elizabeth Ludtke Kochneff
On Widder's Theory of the Heat Equation (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Eastern Washington University - Cheney, WA
Michael Paluch
Algebraic and Topological K-Theory (advised by Henri Gillet)
Istituto Superior Tecnico - Lisbon, Portugal
Niangdong Shi
Construction of Stable and Omega Stable Pseudoplanes (advised by John Baldwin)
East Stroudsburg University - East Stroudsburg, PA
Robert Walter Sompolski
The Second Case of Fermat's Last Theorem for Fixed Irregular Prime Exponents (advised by AOL Atkin)
Oakton Community College - Des Plaines, IL
Feng Sun
Linear Separation of Stable Sets In Graphs (advised by Uri Peled)
Futrex Corporation - Chicago, IL
Xiaoming Tan
Asymptotic Properties of Some Processor-Shared Queues (advised by Charles Knessl)
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine - Chicago, IL
Laszlo Zadori
Posets, Zigzags, and Monotone Clones (advised by Joel Berman)
Jozsef Attilla University - Szeged, Hungary
Wei Cao
Stability of Fredholm Properties and Interpolation of Operators (advised by Yoram Sagher)
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, MN
Xiang-Dong Hou
Covering Radius of Error-correcting Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Wright State University - Dayton, OH
Margo Lynn Mankus
Asymptotic Analysis of a Voice Data Communications Model (advised by Charles Tier)
Weber State University - Ogden, UT
Gaston Ngantcheu Mbateng
Optimal Selection Procedures for Linear Regression Model (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Bradley University - Peoria, IL
Mohan Ramachandran
Type II Index Theorems for Manifolds with Boundary (advised by Steve Hurder)
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Mohammed Vali Siadat
Norm Inequalities for Integral Operators on Cones (advised by Yoram Sagher)
Daley College - Chicago, IL
Yi-Jing Xu
Topological Classification of Weakly Elliptic Complete Intersection Singularities (advised by Stephen Yau)
Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Wen-Xun Zhao
Optimal Repeated Measurements Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Schering Labs
Kecheng Zhou
Norm Inequalities for Lacunary Series (advised by Yoram Sagher)
California State University - Sacramento, CA
Steve Cohen
A Geometric Presentation of Some Fundamental Modules of Chevalley Groups (advised by Stephen Smith)
Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Masanori Itai
On the Strong Martin Conjecture (advised by John Baldwin)
St. Lawrence University - Canton, NY
Vanessa Job
On Polyadic Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Marymount University - Arlington, VA
Tor Kwembe
Nonlinear Diffusion Problems of Mathematical Biology (advised by Calixto Calderon)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
FanChing Meng
Contributions to Multistate Reliability Theory (advised by Emad El-Neweihi)
Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica - Taipei, Taiwan
Kewei Pu
Contributions to Fractional Factorial Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Baxter Healthcare Corporation - Deerfield, IL
Steven Seif
Varieties and Quasi-Varieties of Rings (advised by Willem Blok)
University of Louisville - Louisville, KY
Murali Srinivasan
Optimization Problems on Posets and Graphs (advised by Uri Peled)
Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, LA
Mansour Abhughalous
Ranking and Selection for Non-Symmetric Models (advised by Klaus Miescke)
Marquette University - Milwaukee, WI
Kothandaraman Ganesan
Serre-Tate Theory of Ordinary K3 Surfaces (advised by Henri Gillet)
Tennessee State University - Nashville, TN
Peter Malcolm Johnson
Gamma Spaces and Loops of Nilpotence Class Two (advised by Stephen Smith)
Wayne State University - Detroit, MI
Walter Kirchherr
Reversal Bounded Turing Machines (advised by Wolfgang Maass)
San Jose State University - San Jose, CA
Dieudonne Phanord
Multiple Scattering of Elastic Waves by a Distribution of Identical Spheres (advised by Neil Berger)
University of Alabama - Huntsville, AL
Craig Seeley
Nilpotent Lie Algebras of Dimension 7 over Complex Numbers (advised by Stephen Yau)
University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA
Yung Yu
Invariant Polynomials of Finite Subgroups of SL (3,C) (advised by Stephen Yau)
National Chengkung University - Taipei, Taiwan
Kingkaeo Chanasar
Numerical Methods of Approximating Solutions of Differential Equations (advised by Louis Pennisi)
North Carolina State University - Raleigh, NC
Martin Dietzfelbinger
Lower Bounds on Computation Time for Various Models in Computational Complexity Theory (advised by Wolfgang Maass)
University of Dortmund - West Germany
Stefanos Gialamas
Determining Vanishing Massey Triple Products (advised by Anatoly Libgober)
University of Wisconsin
Meiliu Lu
Self-Stablization of Fault-Tolerant Synchronization (advised by Joel Berman)
California State University - Sacramento, CA
Richard Solakiewicz
Scattering by an Obstacle in a Half-Space Bounded by a Penetrable Interface (advised by Victor Twersky)
Randall Weiss
Detecting Ribbon Knots (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Illinois Wesleyan University - Bloomington, IL
Lieh-San Lin
Performance Modeling of Database Systems (advised by Neil Rickert)
Western Illinois University - Macomb, IL
John Stufken
On Optimal and Highly Efficient Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with a Control (advised by Samad Hedayat)
University of Georgia - Athens, GA
Joseph Chan
Second Derivatives of Secondary Characteristic Classes (advised by James Heitsch)
DePaul University - Chicago, IL
Marouf Samhan
First Order Definability in Universal Algebra (advised by John Baldwin)
King Saud University - Riyad, Saudi Arabia
John Vaughn
Forking and Modularity in Stable Theories (advised by John Baldwin)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges - Geneva, NY
Gisela Ahlbrandt
Totally Categorical Structures of Modular Type (advised by John Baldwin)
Eastern Michigan University - Ypsilanti, MI
Steven Baer
Bifurcation Analysis of Neuron Models (advised by Charles Tier)
National Institute of Health - Bethesda, MD
James Meehan
The Instructional Use of Computer Simulation of Random Variables (advised by William Howard)
Illinois Benedictine College - Lisle, IL
Steven Karl Winker
Quandles Knot Invariants and The N-fold Branched Cover (advised by Louis Kauffman)
Argonne Laboratories - Argonne, IL
Frances Van Dyke
Generators and Relations for Finitely Generated Graded Rings (advised by Philip Wagreich)
Wright State University - Dayton, OH
Thomas Grace
Graceful, Harmonious and Sequential Graphs (advised by Vera Pless)
Illinois Institute of Technology - Chicago, IL
David Hull
Toward a Theory of Bisexual Galton -Watson Branching Processes (advised by Stanley Sclove)
Valparaiso University - Valparaiso, IN
Huey-Luen Hwang
On (K,t) Trades and the Construction of BIB Designs with Repeated Blocks (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, IL
Jean-Leah Mohrherr
Index Sets and Truth Table Degrees in Recursion Theory (advised by Louise Hay)
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, IL
Dennis Ryan
Stochastic Optimal Control Applied to Harvesting of a Renewal Resource in a Disastrous Environment (advised by Floyd Hanson)
Wright State University - Dayton, OH
James S. Walker
Operator Theory in Hilbert Space (advised by Louis Pennisi)
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, WI
Ravindra Bapat
On Permanents and Diagonal Projects of Double Stochastic Matrices (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre - New Delhi
Hamparsum Bozdogan
Multi-Sample Cluster Analysis and Approaches to Validity Studies in Clustering Individuals (advised by Stanley Sclove)
University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, IL
YoungHan Choe
Linear Evolution Equations of Hyperbolic Type in a Locally Convex Space (advised by Melvin Heard)
Hanyang University - Seoul, South Korea
Anna-Lise Jenson
Grothendieck Rings and Integral Representation Rings of Hopf Algebra Orders (advised by Richard Larson)
Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL
BingYing Lin
On Probability Proportional to Size Sampling Designs: Their Construction, Algebraic Properties, and Applications (advised by Samad Hedayat)
National Cheng-Chi University - Taiwan
Abdul-Majid Wazwaz
Uniform Approximations for a Singular Perturbation Problem with Interior Turning Point and Singular Point at the Boundary in the Diffusion Process (advised by Floyd Hanson)
College of Science - Jerusalem, Israel
Deborah Bergstrand
New Uniqueness Proofs for the (5,8,24) ,(5,6,12) and related Steiner Systems (advised by Vera Pless)
Trinity College - Hartford, CT
Jerzy Filar
Algorithms for Solving Some Undiscounted Stochastic Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD
Walter M. Foody
Properties, Constructions and Application of BIB Designs with Repeated Blocks (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Champion International Corporation - Stanford, CT
Larry Lambe
Degrees of Mappings of Manifolds (advised by John Wood)
Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
Frederick A. Thulin III
Undecidability of Some Natural Differential Fields (advised by John Baldwin)
Northern Illinois University - Dekalb, IL
Thomas Weibull
Steenrod Operations in Spectral Cohomology Theories (advised by Brayton Gray)
University of Goteborg - Goteborg, Sweden
John Athanasopoulos
Stability of the Coincidence Kset for the Signorini Problem (advised by James Moeller)
University of Kentucky - Lexington, KY
Gregory Constantine
On E-Optimal Block Designs and Schur Optimality (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Indiana University - Bloomington, IN
Arunas J. Dagys
A Systematic Development of Jacobian Elliptic Functions (advised by Louis Pennisi)
St. Xavier College - Chicago, IL
Richard Lucas
Eigenvalue Bounds and Stability of Conservative Fluids and Plasma Flow (advised by Eugene Barston)
Loyola University - Chicago, IL
Arlene Ash
Constructions of Generalized Youden Designs (advised by Samad Hedayat)
Boston University - Boston, MA
Richard Jenson
A Double Circulant Presentation of Quadratic Residue Codes (advised by Vera Pless)
Boston College - Boston, MA
Wojciech Komornicki
Multiplications in Two-cell Complexes and Related Spectra (advised by Brayton Gray)
Department Head, Hamline University - St Paul, MN
William Schooley
The Mechanical Problem of Abel with Generalizations (advised by Louis Pennisi)
Harper College - Palatine, IL
Sen-Yen Shaw
On Limit Theorems of Semigroups of Operators in Banach Spaces and Related Topics (advised by Charles Lin)
Director of Mathematical Institute, National Central University - Taiwan
Damber-Singh Tomer
Infinitely Divisible Probability Laws (advised by Stanley Sclove)
University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff, AR
Wayne Zage
Hyperbolic Geometry and Luneburg's Theory of Binocular Visual Space (advised by David Foulser)
Ball State University - Muncie, IN
John Bradburn
Algebraic Solution of the Fredholm Integral Equation with Degenerate Kernel (advised by Louis Pennisi)
Elgin Community College - Elgin, IL
Duncan Buell
Elliptic Curves and Class Groups of Quadratic Fields Defined by Integrals (advised by AOL Atkin)
Director of Algorithms Section, Supercomputer Research Section - IDA
George Douros
Relativistic Electromagnetic Scattering by Accelerating Obstacles (advised by Victor Twersky)
University of Salonika - Greece
Jimmie L. Johnson
The Uniform Continuity of Certain Translation Semigroups (advised by James Moeller)
Roosevelt University - Chicago, IL
Nancy Johnson
Classification of Generalized Index Sets of Boolean Combinations of Recursively Enumberable Sets (advised by Louise Hay)
Chicago State University - Chicago, IL
John Riegesecker
Categories of Modules over Pseudocompact Rings (advised by Richard Larson)
University of Puget Sound - Tacoma, WA
Rina Y. Ling Wong
Uniformly Valid Solutions to Volterra Integral Equations (advised by G.V. Ramanathan)
California State University - Los Angeles, CA
Oscar Barriga
Intersection Property of Cyclic Subgroups of a Finite Group and Some Considerations on Zassenhaus Groups (advised by Noburo Ito)
University of Chile - Santiago, Chile
Alan J. Burger
Contribution to the Theory of Topological Representations of Bounded Distributive Lattices (advised by Philip Dwinger)
Bell Laboratories - Naperville, IL
George Dassios
Convergent Low Frequency Distributions for Penetrable Scatterers (advised by Victor Twersky)
University of Patras - Greece
William Duffie
An Historical Development of Asymptotic Evaluation of Functions Defined by Integrals (advised by Louis Pennisi)
Chicago Board of Education - Chicago, IL
Lawrence Gerhart
On the Spectral Theory of the Translation Semigroup and Its Commutant (advised by James Moeller)
TRW Defense and Space Systems - Dayton, OH
Anthony Hughes
A Characterization of 3D4(q3), q=2n (advised by Paul Fong)
Villanova University - Villanova, PA
Rhonda Hughes
Semi-groups of Unbounded Linear Operators in Banach Space (advised by Shmuel Kantorovitz)
Bryn Mawr College - Bryn Mawr, PA
Shyam Johari
Partitioning A Distribution in One or Two Dimensions (advised by Stanley Sclove)
Burroughs Corporation - Detroit, MI
LiFan Ma
Extensions of Some Chevalley Groups (advised by Paul Fong)
Lake Forest College - Lake Forest, IL
Patrick McBride
A Classification of Groups of Type An(q) for n>3 and q= 2k>4 (advised by Paul Fong)
Hughes Aircraft Corporation
Cheryl Peterson
Tight Designs (advised by Noburo Ito)
Northern Michigan University - Marquette, MI
Martin Stern
On Stochastic Games with Limiting Average Payoffs (advised by I. Parthasarathy)
Systems Analyst Research Corporation - Texas
Marvin Troutt
S-Game Algorithms (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale, IL
Eugene Vasilescu
Extensive Games and Almost Complete Information (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Hofstra University - Hampstead, NY
Eng Bin Lim
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of the Functional Differential Equation x(t)+Bx(lt), l >0 (advised by Melvin Heard)
Hubert Chin
Some Contributions to the Structure of Equilibrium Points in N-person NonCooperative Games (advised by T.E.S. Raghavan)
Grumman Corporation - New York, NY
Bertrand I-Peng Lin
On Homological Properties of Coalgebras (advised by Richard Larson)
National Taiwan University - Taipei, Taiwan
Geoffrey Mason
Finite Groups whose Cyclic Subgroups have a Cyclic Frattini Group (advised by Paul Fong)
University of California - Santa Cruz, CA
Alayne Parson
Generalized Klosterman Sums and the Fourier Coefficients of Cusp Forms (advised by Marvin Knopp)
Ohio State University - Columbus, OH
KaiJaung Pei
Abstract Volterra Operators (advised by Shmuel Kantorovitz)
Actuary, Allstate Insurance - Skokie, IL
Craig Smorynski
Investigations of Intuitionistic Formal Systems by Means of Kripke (advised by Robert Soare)
San Jose State University - San Jose, CA
Peter Ash
On Singular Integrals with Complex Homogeneity (advised by Neil Rickert)
Wheaton College - Norton, MA
David. C. Feinstein
Categorical Notions of Distributive Lattices (advised by Philip Dwinger)
Actuary, Railroad Retirement System of Chicago - Chicago, IL
David Rocke
Groups with Abelian Centralizers (advised by Norman Blackburn)
University of California, Davis
Ib Axelsen
Contributions to the Theory of Inductive Definitions and Ordinal Notations (advised by W.W. Tait)
Denmark High School - Denmark, WI
Mark Pankin
On Finite Projective Planes of Lenz-Barlotti Type 1-4 (advised by Reuben Sandler)
Marshall University - Huntington, WV
William Patton
The Minimum Index for Subgroups in Some Classical Groups: A Generalization of a Theorem of Galois (advised by Noburo Ito)
Systems and Computer Consultant - Boston, MA