Yichao Wu gives Scholarly Lecture at TransUnion Investiture Ceremony

Yichao Wu, an expert in functional data analysis and machine learning, gave his Scholarly Lecture at the Investiture of the inaugural TransUnion Professor in Data Science on January 11, 2024.
As the TransUnion Professor based in the department of mathematics, statistics, and computer science, Wu will develop and nurture research in data science, engage with businesses, and train graduate and undergraduate students for careers in a wide variety of professions.
He also will play a pivotal role in the new multi-college bachelor’s degree program that is being launched at UIC and will assume the position of director of multidisciplinary research in data science, a new administrative post in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that will focus on the development of research initiatives for faculty and students in the college and across UIC.
Wu, who has been professor of mathematics, statistics, and computer science at UIC since 2017, is part of a broad group of researchers from the university who are engaged in data science research and applications.