Curtis T. McMullen inaugurates the MSCS Distinguished Lecture Series, January 15-17, 2013.
Photo © Mariana Cook
In January 2013, Professor Curtis T. McMullen will deliver our
inaugural Distinguished Lecture Series in Mathematics. There will
be one lecture each day. The first
lecture is intended for a general audience; students and faculty from
throughout the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are invited to
- Mathematics as metaphor: From curved spaces to quantum topology
- Lecture: Student Center East Tower, Room 302, 4-5PM
- Reception: SCE East Terrace, 5-7PM
- Billiards and moduli spaces
- Lecture Center D2, 4-5PM
- Dynamics of units and packing constants of ideals
- Lecture Center D2, 4-5PM
Professor McMullen is currently the Cabot Professor of Mathematics at
Harvard University. He graduated from Williams College and earned his
Ph.D. at Harvard in 1985 under the direction of Dennis Sullivan. He
held positions at Princeton and Berkeley before returning to Harvard
in 1997. His research centers on complex dynamics and hyperbolic
geometry, and has included work in knot theory, number theory and
algebraic geometry. McMullen was awarded the Salem Prize in 1991 and
the Fields Medal in 1998.