Conference and workshop on 3-manifold topology and cube complexes at UIC — May 20-30

3-manifold topology and cube complexes

The theory of non-positively curved cube complexes,
originally developed by `Frédéric Haglund`__ and `Daniel Wise`__,
is a very rich one in geometric group theory. It
plays a central rôle in `Ian Agol`__'s recent proof of the
Virtual Haken Conjecture.
Agol and Wise were awarded the 2013 `Oscar Veblen prize`__ for
their work related to this conjecture.


The workshop at UIC from May 20-24 will consist of series of lectures by
Ian Agol, Alan Reid and Daniel Wise intending to introduce the main
aspects of these fields and connections. The conference from May
27-30 will feature talks by many leaders in geometric
group theory and low-dimensional topology.

The workshop and conference is being funded by the National Science
Foundation through a CAREER grant to Daniel Groves.


* Christopher Atkinson, University of Minnesota, Morris
* Loretta Bartolini, Loyola University, Chicago
* Marc Culler, University of Illinois at Chicago
* Daniel Groves, University of Illinois at Chicago
* Jing Tao, University of Oklahoma

For registration and more information, see the `conference website`__
